Friday, December 03, 2010

Minnesota Living

Well, we've been here over a month and a half and we just had our first big snow. It is beautiful here in Minnesota and the people are really nice. I (Pete) love my job and I am grateful to God for this opportunity.

Theresa is doing well... in case you haven't heard, we're having another boy and he's due March 21st. She continues to be super mom as she takes care of the boys and keeps up her Mary Kay business.

Gregory loves his new friends in Kindergarten and we all love his teacher... she is teaching him so many songs!

Louis and Leonardo enjoy being home together. Louis recently went with Mommy to Tucson, AZ for a Mastocytosis Conference... you can read more about it here.

Here are a number of photos and a couple of videos for your enjoyment! For the videos you will have to click on it to play it... there are three.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Great Move North

For those of you who haven't heard, we've moved! (Well, almost). I (Peter) got a job with the Diocese of Winona in Minnesota and we moved out of our house in Louisiana three weeks ago. We spent a week and a half with Theresa's family in Louisiana and took three days to travel. We took a day and a half off in Kansas where we spent time with Theresa's relatives and we got to see Uncle John and Aunt Kristen too! We arrived in Wisconsin about a week ago and we will move into our new home in Minnesota tomorrow!

I'm posting all the pictures I had from the last several months. We've not been real good about keeping up with the Blog, but we'll attempt to do much better.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome Summertime 2010

We just wanted to share with you a selection of pictures from the past few months. Enjoy! (You'll see a small icon in the bottom left if it is a video... clicking on that picture will start the video in another window.)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Have you met Leonardo?

I've been meaning to do an exclusive blog just on Leonardo for the longest time... I always feel bad because we don't seem to take many pictures of him, yet he's so darn cute!

I hope you'll enjoy these pictures of Leonardo. He's such a precious boy and always so happy!

The videos are not the greatest quality because we have resorted to using our phones ever since our camera died, but they show some pretty cute moments of the little guy. I added some of when he was young just to show how he has grown. (Just click on the video to watch... I think there are 12 altogether.)